I'm very happy despite the specter of paying taxes next month. I have the rooms booked in Yellowstone and will be driving instead of flying this year. I am debating whether I should allow one or two days for driving and where to stay. I look forward to hitting the Lamar as I did in '08 (the picture above with Tom.
I had to share this painting, done by a very special artist. You will note that the expectant pose is the same. I have this painting in my office below the print of the Conejos River, between my bronze flyfisher and crystal trout. Hmm, I must hang a better bamboo rod to complement these lovely pieces. I will post some more restorations in a couple of weeks, I've been doing clean up and repairs. Did a 7 1/2' Montague Fishkill but forgot to take pictures of the after! It's 6 months away, too soon to start thinking of what rods to take?