Sunday, December 27, 2015

"Noris" Fly Rod, European

This one took forever!  I did several other jobs in between but honestly put off work on those infuriating intermediate wraps.  I had to do 4-6 at a time and then put coat of preserver to keep from "exploding" (unwrapping, a common problem when you only do 4-5 wraps of thread).  I have to admit I do like the signature wraps on the butt section and I really like this color combination, olive & red.  Had to replace every guide and I re-stained the reel seat.  From what I can find online, this was made by DAM of Germany (?).  Tentative casting before I started work indicated a DT6 or maybe a WF5.  I will try to add some notes after I cast it.  Not sure if I will post this on EBay or try to sell it locally.