Well, haven't posted in awhile but have done a couple of restorations. Tying Peacock Ladies & Reservoir Whores for Drycreek Fly shop has filled a lot of free time as well.
This rod is nice quality Horrocks Ibbotson, 4 piece with cane in great condition and what seemed like 100s of intermediate wraps. I am sorry I did not get better quality on the before shots. The rod had been exposed to heat and was gummy, dark & blistered in quite a few spots. I was able to match the orange thread exactly so that shows how much the varnish had darkened. I have to admit I undercharged for this restoration, but I feel good in bringing back a classic rod that is very fishable. I will post pics of an HI Chancellor I restored at the beginning of the year when I get done with my latest batch of flies.