Thursday, August 13, 2009

Yellowstone 2009

Well, life became a good deal bleaker for me today. I just cancelled my room reservations for this year. I was truly looking forward to the trip, but nothing worked out as planned. The year started with such promise and a few spring hikes showed I was ready for the treks. The year was actually going well in spite of a downward trend in business, but this will cure me of being too optimistic in the future. So I don't get to visit Middle Creek (pictured) or hit the Drake hatch on Soda Butte. I'll use the money saved to pay down some bills, hmm, being practical has no soul.


Paul said...

You are not alone Sing&Fish! I get out to yellowstone 3 to 4 times a year and have not missed a year in 10 years - until this year. Started a company; new baby; 'nuff said. I am already locking in 2010. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Singing Insurance Dude said...

Thanks for comments and thanks for looking. I was hoping the construction meant the NE corner might be less crowded than normal. If you come back, let me know where your favorite waters are.