Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Quick Winter Fishing Trip - Rose Canyon Lake

It was time for a quick getaway and rain in the recent weeks meant water should be flowing into this small lake just 30 minutes from my house.  It was, it was also cool and breezy.  Despite the bright sun, I could see my breath most of the day.  The fish were not working at the inflow, so I scouted the south shoreline.  Saw a few working and brought in my first fish of the season (a brown, they get a bit bigger each year).  Have to love technology, 45 minutes earlier I was printing my fishing license.  I was the only one on the lake, and the view was so nice that I stopped to eat and just take in the views.  I could tell the fish were starting to get a bit more active as it warmed, but decided to hike out and get down the mountain, there were scones to be made!

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