Thursday, May 26, 2011

Arrivaca May 25, 2011

Not the best shot in the world, but I only had my phone since I was using my daughter's truck. I could have taken a shot on the lake, but I envision the phone slipping out of my hand and slipping into the murky waters. Funny, the water seems murkier - I distinctly remember being able to see fish on the nests in years past - but I am sure that is just a flawed memory. It was before the big fish kill years ago. Anyway, the fish seem happy enough - I didn't arrive until 2. I saw few fish working on top, but neither foam hoppers nor deer hair frogs did any good. Around 5 I finally relented and tied on a chartreause crystal bugger on my 6 wt with the sink tip and hooked a very healthy 21" bass. It jumped twice, but luckily was well hooked. Working back I landed a nice sunfish, lost the fly and my root-beer crystal bugger took one out from some overhanging branches. This bass was "only" 18", but just as healthy. One more bluegill and I was off the water around 6:45 BUT I could hear fish working on top in the distance. I won't have a chance for topwater action unless I break down and go on a weekend. It will probably be busy here this weekend since I heard that Parker Canyon is closed.

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