Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bamboo Pack Rod

This is the first time I've run across one of these "Nickle Silver Rods with bamboo spacers" (as described by John Gierach). Some of the sections were delaminated along with having some mean sets. I was able to straighten quite a bit after gluing everything back together, but didn't push the straightening in a couple of areas - I wasn't sure how much the bamboo could take. This was a "trade" job for Bob, a gent I met at a local antique fair - I got a couple of project rods, some parts & tubes in exchange. As always the intermediates were hell, but made the next job (see below) feel like a wrapping breeze. There is an existing rod sleeve, pretty cool to have a rod you can put in your pocket. Bob & I were pleased with the results, I think it will make a neat display rod.

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